Are you aware of the Italian traffic laws on transporting pets in cars?

And above all, do you observe them precisely?

Let’s start with this:

“Anyone who fails to comply with the provisions of Article 169 paragraph 6 CdS on the transport of pets in the car is subject to the administrative sanction of paying a fine from 87 to 345 euros + the deduction of 1 point on the license. Furthermore, anyone who installs a ‘fixed’ dividing net or barrier without requesting regular authorisation from the competent office of the Civil Motor Vehicles Department, which must record the modification on the vehicle’s registration certificate, is in breach of Article 78 of the Highway Code and risks a heavy fine ranging from 431 to 1,734 euros“.

OK, at this point a quick review is a must. In fact, the Highway Code states:

“On vehicles other than those authorised under Article 38 of Presidential Decree no. 320 of 8 February 1954, it is forbidden to transport more than one domestic animal and in any case in such a way as to impede or endanger driving. Only domestic animals may be transported, even in greater numbers, provided that they are kept in a special cage or container or in the compartment behind the driver’s seat specially divided by a net or other similar suitable means which, if permanently installed, must be authorised by the competent office of the Land Transport Department.

What does this mean?

How should a dog be transported by car?

There are 4 methods for carrying your four-legged friend when travelling by car:

  • The carrier:
    This is certainly a very effective and safe method of transport, but your dog must get used to being confined in such a structure. It is therefore important for our four-legged friend to get used to this type of system so that it becomes a place where he can relax peacefully.
    The carrier, if properly secured and of the right size, can help in the event of an accident, preventing the dog from being injured or becoming a danger to the driver.

  • The seat belt for dogs:
    This is a specific harness that attaches to the three-point seat belt already installed in the car, which is a big step forward on the safety front.
    The belts come in different sizes, so if you decide to buy and use them, you should take them according to the size of your dog.

  • A dividing net:
    The net is definitely the easiest way to get our pet used to being in the car, as the space is clearly separated.
    It is made of wide-meshed elastic nylon and should be used in the boot area. With the net divider you don’t sacrifice a single centimetre of loading capacity and you don’t need to make any changes to the car as it can be fitted without any effort.

  • The car partition:
    Another accessory that allows you to transport your dog in the car in compliance with the Highway Code is the adjustable divider. As with the net mentioned above, this is also placed in the boot of the car, but in this case it is made of rigid material. In order to guarantee absolute protection for your four-legged friend, it is always best to tie him up with a special seat belt.

What about a cute kitten in the car?

A cat in a car should travel in a pet carrier: the choice should be made wisely and sensibly, buying one that allows the cat a little room to move around.

It is best to avoid using a pet carrier that is too large, as this could lead to an agitated cat moving around inside it, risking injury. For this reason, it is better to choose a hard plastic rather than an iron cat carrier; with enough holes to ensure good air circulation.

These methods are designed to ensure a safe car journey for both you and your puppy.

The advice, therefore, remains to not take these methods of transport lightly, first and foremost for your own and your puppy’s health.

We, at Digicom, care about our Pets’ health. Therefore, we want to add an innovative device, which will be released soon and that will save our pets in case of forgetfulness or abandonment by the owner …

Interesting news soon.                                                                       

In the meantime, make sure you’re up to speed.

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