Every year, especially in the summer when the weather is hot, both national and international news reports document many dogs more or less consciously forgotten in the car.

In Italy alone it has happened several times in recent summer seasons, unfortunately not always with a happy ending.

In some cases, in fact, people leave their trusty friend in the car for situations and circumstances that should theoretically take a short time, but then linger and end up, unfortunately, in tragedy.

In other cases, however, dissociative amnesia plays tricks on people, and if the drowsy dog is not noticed by barking, the owner inadvertently forgets he is there.

What most people ignore, however, is that these latter cases are very frequent.

What happens if the mind disassociates itself from the body, convincing itself that it has performed a routine action that was not actually done? This défaillance has a name: dissociative amnesia.

This can happen to anyone, when stress, fatigue, family or work tensions and recent traumas generate accumulations of information in the mind. A phenomenon that can affect the vast majority of individuals in adulthood.

What is the risk of leaving an animal in the car?

The italin law is clear:

This is what is provided for in Article 544-ter of the Criminal Code in the case of causing suffering to an animal, which obviously includes the case of a dog locked inside a car, subjected to abnormal conditions (excessive heat, dehydration, etc.).

“Chiunque, per crudeltà o senza necessità, cagiona una lesione ad un animale ovvero lo sottopone a sevizie o a comportamenti o fatiche o a lavori insopportabili per le sue caratteristiche etologiche è punito con la reclusione da 3 mesi a 18 mesi o con la multa da 5 000 euro a 30 000 euro. La stessa pena si applica a chiunque somministra agli animali sostanze stupefacenti o vietate ovvero li sottopone a trattamenti che procurano un danno alla salute degli stessi. 3. La pena è aumentata della metà se dai fatti cui al primo comma deriva la morte dell’animale”.

If this should accidentally happen to you, here is how to
implement first aid to help your four-legged friend:

If an animal
If a pet shows symptoms of heatstroke, it is necessary to visit the
vet immediately.

In the meantime, place the animal in a cool, shady place and
a cool, shady place and cool off by applying rags soaked in water at room temperature to the neck, under the armpits and under the arms.
temperature water on the neck, under the armpits and in the groin.

And to prevent dissociative amnesia from generating
even the risk of this happening?

This is where we at PREEMIO come in! In fact, we will soon make
available for you and your animal friends, a technological device that will
to help you defeat memory blackouts and avoid the consequences of involuntary abandonment.
consequences of involuntary abandonment.

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